JIN and ME           :)
Monday, February 28, 2005

aiyo.. i wanna die already la.
the qiang wei zhi lian is getting kinda draggy and boring..
not really interested in jin and baihe's love story lor.
im more worried abt my heart-broken kui.
but he seem to lost his cheerfulness. :(:(
sad sad sad.

nana: im so sad.
me: dont be sad.
nana: im so sad... hai. actually im not sad la. i act sad only lor.

ahha. she very funny.

at 9:40:00 PM 

Sunday, February 27, 2005

im gonna remain single for my zheng yuan chang. :)
im not gonna marry because im waiting for him.
as though he'll even get to know me.
okok. im getting a little carried off.
but I LOVE KUI!! :)

some stuff abt him
He is a model. (omg. i love models cause they've got really good figure!)
OK! his figure is like 40,32,39!!
his chest is bigger than his butt!!! -screams-
he's 1.86cm! THAT IS SO TOTALLY TALL!! -screams even louder-
and of course, he has a really cute and lovable personality. yupyup.
for him. im willing to remain spinster. -nodds-
(or at least temporary spinster. HAHA. not like im getting married now ritee.. HAHA. :P)

at 11:28:00 PM 


staying at home today.
went for a secret date with zhiwei yesterday night.
haha. took really corny neos.
didnt manage to get the secret kiss one.
look like she's kena rape or sth.
ahhaha. okok.
but its nice la.
then dragged her ard to look for food with me.
walked into really posh and high class shops.
haha. we look like some kid looking for our mum.
we went in. haha.
walked past this whole grp of girls.
i think they're waiting for sylvester.

at 1:00:00 PM 

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


at 9:16:00 PM 

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

here's a family tree which is really complicated.

L has 3 children, F, J, K.
F's father is L's first husband.
J's father is L's second husband.
L had an affair with her best friend's husband and gave birth to K.
however B became one of the family member.
B is a K's sister.
J and K thought that B's mother was also their mother.
but actually, B is the child of L's best friend and best friend's husband.
so, only K is related to B.
but all of them thought they were related to each other.
at first, B thought that her father was L's third husband, whom actually is only a man who brought her up(till she's three before he died of some illness.), when her mother wanted to try her best to patch up with the father of B who is actually having an affair with L.
B's mum and dad died in car accident.

its really complicated.
but actually. after much explaination, i somehow can get the idea of this weird family tree. and omg, K is so funny. haha.

at 5:41:00 PM 

Monday, February 21, 2005

hide and seek

dakota fanning is just so cool.
at such a tender age of ten, she can be so dramatically talanted. im just so filled with admiration whenever i watch any of her movies.
anyways. hide and seek is quite a confusing and suspense-filled movie. actually i couldnt really understand the full details of the story. however, its rather sad at the end, when emily lost her father as well.

nana is such a dear friend to me.
when i graduate from st nicks, i think she'll be the one whom i'll miss the most. hahas. she is a really cool and sharing girl.
and i seriously think she behaves like a model.
a cute model. HAHA.. ok. :):)
gonna go watch this vcd she forced me to bring home to watch. :D:D:D:D

at 6:11:00 PM 

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of these?
potato chips
Band yihui and school band
Cats and dogs
school sngs
Boys boys
Girls me
Popular bookshop
marshmellows white
sushi wasabi (HAHA. seoul raiders)
pink flowers
purple bags
football beckham
friend friend
computer laptop
instant message sms
flower daisy
rock and roll
money $$$
clothes alot of nice and pretty clothes
store candy shops
hairbrush my sister's hairbrush
perfume nice
phat a weird word ive never seen before
blah haha
stupid bean
spongebob square pants
ceiling fan living room
T.V. meteor garden
cd player play cd
historical landmarks fort canning
trees are tall with green leaves and a brown bark
lamp post which i tried to climb when i cant see chingay.
fire hydrant fire HYDRANT!!
roller coasters genting
mexican coffeee
trolleys babies? haha
disney world mickey mousee
posters constantine poster at my sch bus stop. :)
you me!
microphone zhang hui mei.. haha..
thing object
free slack
boring sleep
cockroaches disgusting black creatures
windows glass clear
spoons fork
broadway blue
musical forbidden city
highways nicol highway
ocean fishess
political parties boring
parents yay
mall northpoint
math mr tan
cell phones nokia 6610i

at 12:16:00 AM 

Friday, February 18, 2005


haha. went to renes' place for dinner.
yupp. and ive got the privilege to open her presents with her.. -feels honoured-
talked abt our pri. school life.
its really funny and lame.
i think we're so childish last time.
we even composed a song abt "going to zoo"
and felt so proud of it.
it goes something like,
this is the song
going to the zoo song
seeing animals
lalalala lalalala
seeing animals..
(to the tune of elmo song)

haha. its so lame.

there was this time when there are japanese ppl. in our class for some exchange programme, and mr ng asked us to perform for them.
haha. cant believed that we actually DANCED to the the lyrics. ok. more like DO ACTIONS ACCORDING to the lyrics. ahha. super funny man.
but we were so proud of ourselves, and so does mr ng. :):)
i think he's the best teacher ive ever met my whole life.
he's one who will change and make a deep impact in one's life. he brought abt laughter, tears, joy, fun. im really inspired by him.

there was this once.
just one day before the science exam.
he was testing all of us.
i can see he's quite worried for us as well.
mr ng: J(short form)!! NAME ME ONE DECOMPOSER!
J: errm.. -starts tearing- dead prawn..

haha. ok. im very evil. but you've got to be there. he knows every single one of us so well. and i will norminate him for the best teacher in the whole universe if theres even such award. :)

at 11:24:00 PM 

Thursday, February 17, 2005

im quite fed-up by this irritating psycho freak.
i have got no idea why she seems to be picking on me.
and its not like theres an internal conflict between us or sth.
or like ive offended her in anyway. (maybe i did without knowing)
im not even close to her la.
she scolds me for being noisy in class, yea. and who's the one making so much noise and distracting our dear teacher half-way through the lesson, with her oh so cute and friendly conversations.
shes just mean la.
not like im not.
im just borrowing a magazine from her and its NOT EVEN HERS btw. i asked the owner of the magazine. she didnt even wanna lend it to me after she finished reading it. like i care?! i can just easily go get one myself (which ive got it btw, cause my keanu's on it.), not like i NEED to borrow it from her.
yea. shes such a great leader.
SO much potential in her. yupp.
ordering us abt and not doing it herself.
sitting there shaking her leg.
great leadership yea.

who cares if she's reading this anyway.

ok. im getting a little bad here.
god must have been testing my patience.
and ive failed the test.
thank god i havent lose my temper on her at the point of time, i mean i think i wouldnt la. i shldnt get in her way and same for her too.. it'll be bad if we do.. well. shall bear with it!!!!!!!!
just getting this off my chest.

actually, she can be quite nice at times la. its just those horrandous times when she gets on my nerves, i get exceptionally pissed. PMS for her and me.

yea. and herpes back again. hope its not too bad this time.

at 6:35:00 PM 

some stuff i read abt KEANU REEVES.
its kinda sad.

he had a Chinese/Hawaiian geologist father and an English showgirl mother.
he's parents are seperated.
he had to live through his parents seperation as a kid to witness three more stepfathers.
he's like 1.85m!
dropped out of school at 17.
got arrested for drunk driving at 29.
had a still born baby with girlfriend Jennifer Syme at 35. so sad.. :(:(
Syme died in car accident in 2001.
his sister got leukaemia, which has taken a turn for the worse in late 2002.

he's 41 now.
but its ok.
i will support you REEVES!! :)

at 6:29:00 PM 

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

i feel so tired and drained physically this week.
ran to school EVERY SINGLE morning since mon.
i think i got to better wake up earlier tmr.
then, i dont have run just to be in time.
but i can stroll and still have time to admire my dear keanu reeves constantine poster at the bus stop which i drop off at every morn..

at 5:17:00 PM 

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

haha. you ppl. should really really go catch the show.
if i were to rate it, i'll give it one million stars.
and the girl is quite pretty too.
lots of comical elements in the show as well.
YAY! :):):)

next movie to catch: a series of unfortunate events!

at 8:00:00 PM 

Monday, February 14, 2005


haha. im quite surprised and happy today.
thanks for all those who gave me a gift.
loved the chocs and sheepy lots. :D
and im sorry. didnt prepare any v.day presents.
yea. but thanks anyway. LOVE YA! :D

at 9:45:00 PM 

Sunday, February 13, 2005

hahaha. im highly amused by his comical expressions and actions.

at 4:46:00 AM 



at 4:45:00 AM 

Friday, February 11, 2005

yay. im home!
on the second day.
my cousin and i went to try the new ride in the outdoor themepark. it was so super scary. it goes 360 degrees but it ended very fast. haha. my mucus went ALL over my face when i took the ride. HAHA. there's this camara man who took picture of us. so we've got our HORRIFIED faces taken down. :):)
fell sick that night.
went to eat some abalone dinner.

woke up the next morning.
feeling groggy.
fancy falling sick during a holiday trip.
went to macs for breakfast with my cousin.
had porridge and panadol after tt.
after i went back to the hotel and took a short nap, im well again!

:):) dinner at foodcourt.
before that had a pillow fight with my bro.
very fun and violent.
im fun. he's violent. HAHAHA. okok.
just kidding.

dad date the whole bunch of us out for a movie.
IT ROCKS! :):):) (like the cradle rock.)
he's super cool. ok. i love him.
that show's quite nice. :D
full of action and a little comedy.

yay. this morning went to breakfast with cousin again.
its always the both of us, cause the rest slept like logs and they slept as though they havent slept before in their entire life. WHY ON EARTH DO THEY HAVE TO SLEEP TILL LATE MORNING WHEN WE'RE ON A HOLIDAY!!!?? okok. relax. haha.

took the ferris wheel. AT LAST! my cousin thought that everyone will laugh at her if she's gonna take tt ride, same for me. then at last, we blurt it out. THEN WE HURRY GO GET TICKETS FOR THE RIDE. haha.
we went EIGHT whole rounds. (because i seriously think tt guy got nth better to do than to press the wheel's button as there is no one queueing up for that particular ride at that moment.) ok.
came down feeling giddy... HAHA.
ok. but yay. had fun lar. :)

RIPLEY'S believe it or not was really cool. it has lots and lots of weird stuff. you ppl. should try going in. :D RM 15 - quite worth it i think.

i sat till my butt hurts.
thank god for jay chou for accompanying me to and fro genting. :) ... or rather his voice. but anyway. i didnt die of boredom thanks to him! HAHA. ok. just kidding. :P

终于看开爱回不来 而你总是太晚明白
最后才把话说开 哭着求我留下来
终于看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍
你的手却放不开 宁愿没出息求我别离开
(use unicode for encoding.:P)

we stopped by some coffeeshop to rest.
then i was there bugging my cousin to get married soon. (so i can get more ang pows on cny. haha. ok.. kidding.) then my grandmother overheard and then she suggested me getting a boyfriend and get married soon too.. thats funny. ME? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? okok. nvm relax. haha. my grandmother's really funny man. :D

im just so glad to be home again. :)

my fav. photo taken at genting. haha.

my bro and me after the pillow fight we had in our room. haha. look at his funny face. :D

at 7:55:00 PM 

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

i miss singapore!
i miss my bed!
i miss sophia!
i miss luanneh pok pok pok!!!!
i miss eeeeeeeeeee weee!!
i miss cheongie!!!
i miss EVERYONE!!
i wanna go home!!!

at 6:24:00 PM 

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

found a lan shop and came online. :)
hahaha. its kinda boring.
spent the first half of the day sleeping in the hotel.
i was VERY disappointed by the hotel room.
its tiny and it has got a weird smell.
ok. i shant complain. :)
watched some singapore tv serials on the tv.
quite cool.
gives me a sense of belonging. HAHA.
i realised tt everytime, without fail, when i go overseas, i would especially miss singapore. haha.

alright. the journey to genting was a long, yet amusing one.
my mum is like telling us her life story of her going to genting with her friend.
HAHA. the amusing thing is that, her friend only played ONE pathetic song on repeat throughout the whole hours and hours of journey to genting. HAHA.
it was quite dark when we set off.
without road lights, the road seemed like an unknown path which leads to nowhere. haha. when the sun starts peeping up the horizon, the mist and fog starts to become VERY visible. we cant see the road 10 metres infront. haha. ok. maybe 20 metres.

stopped by at a coffeeshop for breakfast.
the toilet there is kinda dirty... :erm. yar. and i dont like dirty toilets.
ok. anyway. ive got to go! :):)


at 7:13:00 PM 

Monday, February 07, 2005

the trip to genting just gives me mixed feelings. i often feel tensed and nauseated after imagining myself getting into a car crash on the way there. its so difficult not to think about this possibility after watching SO MANY tv shows showing coaches and cars getting into accidents halfway through the journey. :|

however, the thought of running around with the clouds, gives me a sense of anticipation. i cant wait to set my feet on the high grounds of GENTING HIGHLANDS! i cant wait to dance in/with the visible vapours in the air. AND NO NO NO, i am NOT gonna try on those rides which could give my weak heart a terrible jolt. it can cause damage you know!! :|
i'll just make do with the ferris wheel. :) nice.. ferris wheels are nice. you can take a look at the BEAUTIFUL scenery on the higher grounds of the HIGHLAND which is already VERY HIGH! THAT MAKES YOU VERY VERY HIGH! ohh. im just so thrilled. AND WHATS MORE! ITS FOR ALL AGES! :D

at 10:18:00 PM 

wynnie says i should write more to improve my english.
therefore, i've decided to write more proper sentences than before! :)
double hoorays for xt!

anyway, had an awesome time with my dearest luanneh and wynneh.
watched finding neverland at j8.
its alright.. its not as fantastic as i thought it would be.

okay. im going genting at 3.30am.
that is .. such an unearthly hr.
waking up at 3 just to go genting?!
i would rather snuggle up in my warm pikachu blanket.
oops. i shldnt mention abt my pikachu blanket.
haha. ok. anyways. i still have to..
ok. shall sleep in the car then.
people!! i know you guys will miss me alot.
haha. kkk. TAKE CARE PEOPLE!


at 9:44:00 PM 

Sunday, February 06, 2005

i wrestled with two HUGE UGLY COCKROACHES last night!
im so freaked out
and tts the biggest shock of my life..
:ok. its dead..
ite dead.. haha.

at 1:00:00 PM 

HapPY biRthDAy
ah zhIi!

haha. thank god for you!
for your joy and laughter.
for the times you made my mouth
turn into an upward smile.
thank god for u for everything!!
-looks at chen chen and beams-
hope the milk do does some help. :)
haha. :D

at 4:17:00 AM 

Friday, February 04, 2005

the internet junk slacker test deems me:
80% slacker

your clothes are properly folded, hung up and put away. you watch tv in moderation. you like to visit with friends but also like a little alone time as well. you tend to change clothes frequently and you definitely wash your hands after a visit to the toilet!

at 9:47:00 PM 

my tummy is in pain.
sharp pain.

at 9:12:00 PM 

Thursday, February 03, 2005

decided to return sonya her book.
its rather m18. haha.

got so irritated by my lousy, high battery consuming, asshead camara.. felt like throwing it against the wall and smash it into a million pieces and let the screws fly ALL over the place...
ok. but i shldnt.
went for reunion dinner.
at this revolving restuarant near harbourfront mrt.
its darn cool.
but it makes me giddy. haha.
can see merlion from sentosa. (it has green eyess.. haha.)

mum and dad wants us straight home from school.
and right after i bathed, we left the house.
its so.. rush.
ok. anyways.
had a $600 plus dinner.
so expensive eh.
but i think its too tasty.
dont really like it. haha.

my favourite cousins. :)

oh my oh my.. hope you're alright nana.

at 10:36:00 PM 

he held me for a long time
he held me until i stopped sobbing
he held me until the sky turns pink
he held me until i stopped being selfish
he held me until i start holding him...

at 5:10:00 PM 

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

she crossed the pond
and lost her heart....

at 10:10:00 PM 

the best apple and pear
ive ever tasted
since the new year started.

at 8:26:00 PM 

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

and my heart nearly stops.
Jack is standing at the door of the coffee shop.

at 10:09:00 PM 

i feel as though im EDMUND HOOPER

i feel as though im JOSEPH HOOPER
in chap one.
go read abt it.

i feel as though im KINGSHAW
so small
and afraid

i feel as though im MRS KINGSHAW
so vain
and ignorant.

at 4:37:00 PM 

was doing some research in school.
about capital punishment.
my goodness.
its so scarey.
i shall list a few methods here.
the more scarey and chim ones.

The condemned would be placed in a giant cauldron of cold water, tied up to prevent escape. The executioner then lit a fire under the cauldron as to allow the water to slowly heat up. It was a very painful and slow method of execution.

the removing of vital organs, usually from the abdomen. The results are invariably fatal.

the act of cutting, tearing, pulling, or otherwise removing, the limbs of the condemned, causing prolonged, painful death.

an act of torture and/or execution whereby the victim is pierced by a long stake. The penetration can be through the sides, from the rectum, or possibly through the mouth. The stake would be usually planted in the ground, leaving the victim hanging to die.

the removal of skin from the body

at 4:26:00 PM 

the thing i love the most
is the bus trip home.
you're really skinny.
eat more.
i can feel your bones..

at 4:17:00 PM 

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